Monday, January 30, 2012

100th Day of First Grade

YAY for the 100th Day of First Grade!  Our "theme" for the 100th day was a the 100th Day of School Rodeo.  Many of the activities we did today were Rodeo themed.  What a fun day!  Here are few pictures to show off our fun day!
Our door-welcoming everyone to the 100th day of First Grade!
Our creations using 100!  I have some very creative kiddos!

Love the eyelashes on this caterpillar!

Snowman!  She traced the one so she would have two arms!  So smart!

An ostrich and the sun.  The one is the tail!

This one just makes me smile!

A key to a door!

Gravedigger.  The blue lines are the bleachers and there is a car waiting to be crushed and a ramp for Gravedigger to jump.  This little guy went to the Monster Truck show this weekend! 

100th Day of School Rodeo Boots-decorated with 100th things


Very Western Boot

Check out the spur!  : )

10 groups of several different things

10 groups of dots-this little girl used a hole punch to punch out all of these dots. 


  1. What an AWESOME teacher you are! :) I LOVE the 100 creatures!

    2nd Grade Paradise

  2. I love the boots. I wanted to follow you...but I don't see where I sign up.

    First Grade Delight

    1. I got the boot idea from a fellow first grade teacher. I think the kids enjoyed making them.

      If you look on the left side of my blog, under the second pencil, you can enter your email to follow by email. Let me know if you can't get it to work.



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